I woke up this morning at around 4:00am with fairly intense contractions. They lasted til about 6:00am but were very sporadic and inconsistent so I was pretty certain that I wasn't actually in labour. Plus, everything stopped shortly after 6am and didn't start up again. But I still felt quite optimistic because I had a doctor's appt. set for 11:40am and was going to have another membrane sweep. At my last appt., my doctor found that I wasn't dilated yet but that my cervix was very soft and he was able to sweep about 1cm. I figured with this morning's "false labour," and the "burst of energy" I got a few days ago (the final "nesting" period, so I'm told) that surely, this membrane sweep would do the trick. Either that, or my doctor would find that I was already dilated at least a bit. Alas, this was not the case. I had already prepared myself for "bad news," but had still really hoped that he'd find I had progressed. Unfortunately, I still hadn't dilated at all. He said that the baby had moved down a bit more and was definitely engaged, and my cervix was again, very soft and easy to sweep (he was able to do 1cm again), but that was it.
So... if nothing happens in the next few days, I have an appt. set for Thursday in which he'll do another sweep, and if that doesn't do it, my induction has been set for Monday, June 29. All I can do is pray that I don't go to induction--- for two reasons. A) I would just really prefer to go into labour naturally, and B) Craig & Jen fly in that day and I really didn't want to be in hospital when they arrive. So if you think of it, please send up a prayer that baby would join us sooner than Monday :) And even better... tonight would be a great night to go into labour, as my doctor is on for labour/delivery at the hospital tomorrow and I would love to have him there to 'do the honours' :)
PS: Sarah S. ... if you're reading this, I did try the stairs and will continue to do it. I walked up and down our main flight of stairs 20 times the other night ('til my legs felt like jello and I was ready to puke!) And that was after we had already gone for a long walk around the neighbourhood. I went for another LONG walk at the river with my parents tonight and will climb our stairs 'til I'm blue in the face, if that's what it takes :) At least its a healthy way of trying to bring on this baby!