Monday, February 12, 2007

The Saskatchewan Roadtrip Gang

All I have to say is... WE HAVE INCREDIBLE FRIENDS!!!

Seeing our Bible school friends was SUCH a blessing this weekend! Here are a few pictures from our time together...

Geralyn, Michelle, Me & Carly... Love you girls!

Here are the guys having some good bonding time

Geralyn & Michy

Aaron helping with the dishes...what a fine young man :)

Me & Carly

Talbot & Darren

Geralyn & Carly "playing" in our front yard :)

Us girls spent the BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon outside

Michy & Me... I LOVE this girl! We've been friends since we were 4 years old and I know we'll be friends 'til we're old & grey!

Thanks again guys for coming to see us! It was short but definitely sweet! We'll miss you tonnes!!


jamie said...

FUn times! Old friends are sweet. any friends are sweet! we are so BLessed to be normal, functioning, real people that people like! really, to not have friends would suck! SO thats awesome you had a good time cathcing up with old buddies-i hope you have some time in the next week to catch up with your "new" buddies(:
whatyre doin wednesday?

Jamie said...

Looks like a fun time with great friends!

Jen said...

Oh Bonnie, my sweet Bonnie...
That's all the poem I have in me this morning. But just wanted to say that I am so happy that you had such a fun time catching up with your sassy friends. Looks like you had a blast and I'm sure it made your weekend AWESOME! Don't be missin' the prairies (wow, for some reason I have no idea if I spelled that right) too much--it's freezing cold here. NO JOKE. Your dad is the definition of a dry sense of humour. For sheezy. And I still want to make him a shirt with a stationary bike on it and the words "BIG AL".
that would make me laugh.
Talk to you soon?!