Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Welcome Home Leah!

Today is a very exciting day....my best friend Leah gets home from Denmark! She has been there for about the last 3 months and it has felt agonizingly LONG (probably more for me than her!) Leah and I met at Capernwray New Zealand in 2003 and have been great friends ever since. Although she lives in Regina, SK, we try to keep in touch as much as possible. I am sure any of you who have good friends in other provinces can relate to how tough it can be. But a little distance doesn't change the fact that Leah is a great friend and that I hope we'll be friends even when we're old and gray! So Leah, welcome home!!...I missed you! I hope the last bit of your trip was awesome and I can't wait to see you next week when I come out to Saskatchewan! Love ya!

Leah played guitar at our wedding ceremony as I walked down the aisle. She did such a great job and it meant so much to me!

Christmas at the Glen's...Leah and I were pretty intent on our rousing game of Mad Gab!

Leah, Jen & I...you guys are truly incredible friends!

Christmas Road Trip (Saskatchewan to BC)

Leah & I

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hi again Bonnie! Yes, we're talking Todd & Brianne Smith, they just got here a week or 2 ago! If you email me at erkjam@yahoo.ca I'll give you their phone number.
Hope you have a great day:)