Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Elijah!

We celebrated my nephew Elijah's 1st birthday today. Hard to believe that a year has gone by already!

So, in celebration of Eli's birthday, I thought I'd share a video of Callie's rendition of "Happy Birthday" with you.... as well as a few pictures from today's party. (*Note: Sorry for the poor quality pictures. Jon is away for the weekend & has our camera so I had to use my iPod to capture the birthday action.)
Enjoy! :)

Me & the birthday boy

Getting ready to blow out his candle

Callie & Grampa

Mmmm.... first bite of cake

Opening presents...
(Callie was right in there like a dirty shirt!)

I think Callie was more excited about Eli's gifts than he was... :)
Happy Birthday Eli! We love you SOOOO much!


Jen Glen said...

Thanks for the pics, Bon! Who made the cake? And I laughed so hard at Callie's, "Happy birthday dear you!!" Too funny!!

Bonnie said...

Viv picked up the cake at Wal-mart. Pretty cute, hey!?