Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So far behind...

I feel as though even if I tried my very hardest, I'd still be behind with this blog. Life just hasn't allowed much time for bloggerland lately. But I know that some of you still faithfully check to see if I've updated this, so here's one for you! I only have time to show you pictures though, so you'll have to check back for a written update :)

Callie is nearing the 1 1/2 year mark. She'll be 17 months next Tuesday, and she gets busier and chattier each day and makes lots of silly faces.
This is her look of 'concentration'...

Silly "cheese" face...
As I said in an earlier post, we took Callie to the Vancouver Aquarium for the first time at the end of October. We had no sooner passed through the entry gate, and she had her face plastered to the glass to see what this was all about... :) It was pretty cute.

We watched the dolphin show...

We walked around in the sunshine and took in the other outdoor shows...

We visited "Kermit" in the frog section of the Aquarium...

Going in for the kiss...

Watch out world, Kermit and Callie are on the loose!

Checking out the dolphins from the lower deck of the aquarium...

Our dear friend Jen was able to join us for the day!

Watching the Beluga whales...

Callie highly approved. Yaaaaay belugas!

Back inside the aquarium. Jelly fish...

I love this picture... makes me laugh every time!
"Seriously, Daddy..."

Saying bye-bye to the aquarium. Such a fun day!

Trying on Mommy's shoes...

Bath-time bubble fun...

Some of the pictures Jon took at Fishtrap Creek during our MTE Silent Retreat...

All bundled up for the chilly weather.
She INSISTED she should wear Mommy's mittens...
That's all for now. Hopefully I'll have more time for blogging soon.
Only 3 1/2 more weeks left of MTE training!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Its official! We'll be serving in...

We're thrilled to finally be able to share where we'll be serving overseas. At this point, we don't have many details other than the fact that we'll be spending our 1st year there, in language training (which could be in one of two places-- Lopburi or Chiang Mai). After that, MBMSI will discern with the "in-country leaders" as to who's team we'll join. So we're not exactly sure which region of Thailand we'll be in, and who we'll be serving with, but we're excited to at least have the answer of which country! I'll continue to update you as we know more.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Quick update...

Many of you have been asking how my Mom is doing, how our discernment meeting went, etc., so I thought I'd send you a quick update.

My Mom got into St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver last Thursday and the new surgeon re-ran all of her tests. It was a little discouraging for her to have to go through all of the ultrasounds, scopes, etc. all over again (she was originally told that wouldn't be necessary) but she was thankful that the new surgeon was at least making her a priority. The tests went well and she is officially on the list for surgery. Looks like it will most likely be sometime in January. Mom said she definitely feels like she's in good hands as this new surgeon said there is some new technology that can detect nerves within scar tissue. Although St. Paul's doesn't actually have this technology, he said he's going to do all he can to get his hands on it for her surgery. So you can pray that would be possible!
And, one neat thing that happened last Thursday-- after finishing one of Mom's tests, the surgeon came into the room and asked: "Do you have influence here?" She shook her head & he replied that he had never received a report from their Ultasound Dept. so quickly! She smiled & thought.....aaah yes. I DO have influence :)
So your prayers are definitely having impact. Thank you for praying and please continue to do so!

As for discernment with MBMSI, we met with their lead team today. It was a good meeting and both Jon and I felt very relaxed.... like chatting with old friends :) We came away from it, feeling very at peace and knowing that God has had this planned all along, and already knows the outcome. Therefore, we have peace in knowing that He has good plans for us. MBMSI will be announcing teams/locations on Wednesday afternoon, so we'll let you know as soon as we know!

Other than that, life continues to fly by. Hard to believe we only have just over a month left in training. This time has been busy, somewhat stressful at times, but also very fruitful and encouraging. We continue to anticipate the exciting times ahead!

So with that, I'll sign off for now and we'll be updating you again, after Wednesday's big announcement.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy Halloween...

... from our little Thai tiger!

(More pictures to come, of Halloween
& Callie's 1st visit to the Vancouver Aquarium!)