Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm not so sure...

... of how I feel about this new realm of "messy" we've entered.
She's lucky she's so funny.
And cute.

'Cause let me tell you...
mopping my floor every day isn't getting any cuter.


grahamandkristy said...

Don't worry, it does get better. Once they realize that they shouldn't put their hands in their hair after they eat and that they have to get wiped up after - things get a lot cleaner!!

Leanne said...

The need for mopping the floor every day doesn't really go away. However, ignoring the sticky floor DOES get easier as time passes :)

She IS cute. Miss you!

Trish said...

The blessing is: that she has always loved her " din-dins" :)

Elissa said...

Get a swiffer wet jet... it's allowed me to maintain my sanity!!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I remember the days of cleaning up only to have my son think it would be fun to dump his food off the tray again. :0)

Anonymous said...

she is so cute! i can't imagine ever getting mad at that little cutie!