We made it out to the driving range last weekend to start our season of golf. Swinging around my baby belly was a little awkward but it certainly won't stop me from golfing, every chance I get. I'm really hoping to get in at least a few games before I get too huge. We'll see... :)
Konrad trying to give Calvin some brotherly lovin'...
Ava & Konrad enthralled in the Bugs Bunny & Tweetie Show...
... and busy getting into Grandma & Grandpa's work papers...
As for a pregnancy update, I'm feeling really good these days (...knock on wood!). The "phantom" pain has disappeared, so other than some occasional heartburn (which is vicious when it does appear) and the usual feeling of fatigue at the end of the day, things are going well. The baby is extremely active (and even that is quite an understatement) and has given me a few too many 'close calls' when it comes to pushing on my bladder. He/she is quite low in my uterus and seems to LOVE using my bladder as a trampoline. Add this to an already overactive bladder and it makes for a scary situation at times :) But the main thing is that the baby is moving, which is a good thing. I go for another prenatal appointment on Tuesday so we'll see how things are in the way of weight gain, heart rate and all that good stuff.
I have to go for another ultrasound at 32 weeks because the last u/s showed that my placenta is low-lying. Not exactly great news but my doctor said it wasn't anything to worry about at this point. He said that often as the uterus expands, the placenta will naturally shift up to where it needs to be, on its own, and they'll just monitor it to make sure that happens. The only downside is that, if by the 32 week mark, it hasn't moved, I will have to have a c-section. The ideal would definitely be to avoid that, but I've already wrapped my head around the fact that it may have to happen if that is what's best for me and the baby. Just praying that it all works out in the end.
I'm only a week away from the 6 month mark now, so we're starting to feel the "crunch" a bit, when it comes to preparing the nursery, etc. We'll be transforming our guest room into the nursery, and then eventually, our upstairs office will become the guest room. Jon has been renovating our basement so that it can serve as the office in the near future, but for now, we'll just leave the office upstairs and be "guest room-less" for a while. Our friend Kevin is a ticketed electrician (which is very handy for us) so he is spending this afternoon, re-wiring things downstairs in preparation for the rest of the reno's. Then Jon is hoping to get the drywall up this week and from there, hopefully things will move along fairly quickly.
Just LOVE the baby belly golf shot... you are looking fantastic! Glad you can get out before the tummy gets in the way of your shot. You are so fortunate to be able to be outside already! Send some sunshine this way!
I remember nasty heartburn when I was pregnant too...thankfully it left promptly after delivery. I used to swig Gaviscon right out of the bottle...so gross. Oh, and lots of ice cream, it cooled things right down!
Glad to hear baby is on the move. Fun stuff. Hope you guys are enjoying nursery prep...can't wait to see what it looks like!
Glad you're feeling better!
That looks like Kevin from Capernwray. Very cool, I didnt know he lived around here :)
So cute to see that Konrad still does his finger sucking thing! Glad you're feeling better! Love you. the sisterly one
Yeah Teresa, that IS Kevin from our Capernwray days! He also lives in Chilliwack, so although we don't see him tons, its fun to hang out when we get the chance. He's getting married in May, to a VERY nice girl! I must admit, I never thought I'd live in such close proximity to so many of you Capers :)
You look great Bonnie! I am SO glad to hear you are feeling better. I am with Sabrina I ate a lot of Gaviscon and it helped a lot!
Hope you can enjoy getting your nursery ready! Its such a fun time!
CUTIE! look at you swinging. If I could look past all the puking I would totally be pregnant again just for the-bigger-than-a-bump-but-not-so-huge-you-feel-like-whale belly. You look great!
I can't believe how long Ava's hair is! What a big girl. I can hardly believe it! Too cute. Your reno's are lookin awesome. Right on Jon and Kevin!!!!
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