Friday, August 18, 2006

Ava Update

So I leave for Saskatoon tomorrow and should really be finishing my packing, but I wanted to add a few more pictures of Ava before I leave. I'll be at Bethany's volleyball camp for the next week and won't be able to post while I am there so I want to get a bit more in before then. Konrad is seriously so excited about his little sister...all he says is "Baby Ava!...Konrad see baby Ava!" And its pretty cute to see how much he wants to hold her and cuddle her and shower her with kisses! I added some pictures of him showing his undying affection for her:) I also finally got a picture of Jon holding her. He has been really sick with a cold and didn't want to get her sick when we went to see her in the hospital, so he finally held her today. After our visit with Erich & Naomi, we took Konrad to our place for the evening and enjoyed having him to ourselves for a few you can see, he just HAS to be close to his "Unca Jon." I do love watching the two of them play...its so entertaining!
Anyway...I really should get back to packing seeing as I have to be at the Abbotsford airport by 6am tomorrow morning...ugghh! So i'll sign off for now. Have a great week everyone and I'll talk to you when I get back!

1 comment:

karina said...

hey bonnie and jon. congratulations on the new family member :) i'm sure you are an excellent aunt/uncle. hope your week in good old sk goes really well bonnie :) congratulate naomi and erich for us if you think of it:)
karina & jason