Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy girl...

8 weeks old and happy as a clam...

Callie is starting to smile & "talk" a lot these days.  Here's a little "conversation" Callie & I had the other night.   Auntie Naomi managed to get it on camera...

Canim Lake...

Last week, we had the opportunity to take a little family vacation up north, to Canim Lake.  Its about 30 min. north-east of 100 Mile House.  As I mentioned in my last post, Jon's Great-Aunt & Uncle own a cabin there and graciously let us use it for the week.  It was SO quiet and peaceful, and the view from their deck was breathtaking... 

Our time at the cabin was limited a bit by Callie being so young still but we did a lot of relaxing and catching up on sleep.  This was a common sight throughout the week... 
I've never been a huge fan of doing puzzles but Jon quite enjoys them and says that he finds them relaxing when he's on vacation.  He finished two while we were there and I managed to slip a few pieces in here and there, just so I could say I helped :)  
Callie didn't seem to mind being in a different place in regards to sleeping.  Her naps in the afternoons/evenings weren't exactly successful every day but she slept great at night, as usual.  Here she is catching some Z's on the couch...
One of the first things I noticed amongst the MANY books they had at the cabin, was this one.  I could hardly believe my eyes.  I have never seen Callie's name written anywhere before, other than when we write it.  I knew our week getaway was meant to be when I saw this... :)
Both Jon and I did a lot of reading during our vacation.  It was so nice to be able to sit down with a good book, guilt-free, knowing there was nothing else we needed to be doing instead.
The weather was beautiful while we were there.  Not too cold and not too hot... just perfectly warm.  Many of our reading sessions were spent out on the gorgeous deck, overlooking the lake.
This was also a very common sight during our time away.  Callie would often refuse to sleep anywhere but ON Jon or myself during the afternoons.  Can't say I really minded.  I know that soon enough, she'll be a busy toddler that won't want anything to do with snuggling so I might as well enjoy this while I can. :)
Callie figured out how to pull her clothes up to her mouth to suck on.  She was often found slobbering all over her outfits.  At least she was happy... 
On our drive home, we decided to stop at Hell's Gate to ride the air tram.  I had never been to Hell's Gate, so after living here for 5 years, I can finally say I've been.  It was a very hot afternoon but we really enjoyed walking around & taking in the gorgeous sights.

It was so nice to get away, just the 3 of us, and enjoy some time reconnecting & relaxing after the craziness of the last 2 months.  Callie travelled so well (she slept from Chilliwack, all the way to Cache Creek on the way there!) that we might just take advantage of her young age, and do more road trips more often!  Hopefully our next road trip will be to Saskatchewan to visit Uncle Craig & Auntie Jen!  Though I'm sure we'll have a few more pit stops on that one ;)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

6 week update...

Callie is 6 weeks old today... how can that be!?! We've been told countless times, "enjoy every minute with them because they grow up SO quickly!" And though I've smiled and nodded at these cliche comments, it is actually hitting me now, just how true that statement is. She literally changes every single day and when I think back to the day she was born, the memories are already becoming a bit hazy. (Which, in the way of labour/delivery, I would say is a good thing ;))
The biggest highlight over the last few weeks has been Callie's constant smiling. She is such a content & happy baby and has started to smile for just about anyone that will try to get a grin out of her. I've tried really hard to get it on camera and finally had some success today. I also managed to catch a quick one on video too. If you watch the clip below, you'll see her face light up when I scan back to her after showing you her "horsie." We have some stuffed animal puppets up on the shelves above her change table and she goes crazy over this particular horse. Just yesterday, she was entertained by him for over 20 minutes. Her legs kick in excitement and she smiles and cooes at him every time we put her on the table.
(** Sorry, but blogger won't let me upload the video right now... I'll add it as soon as I can.)

The last time we were at the doctor (which was just over a week & 1/2 ago), she was 9 lbs. 5 oz. and with the way she feeds, I'm sure she's pretty close to 10 lbs. by now :) They didn't measure her but the time before that, she was in the 90th percentile for height and she has continued to grow a lot in length over the last few weeks.
As for sleeping, I honestly couldn't ask for a better baby. She only wakes once in the night to feed, and often even sleeps right through. Last week, she slept from 10:30pm- 6:30am. And just last night, I put her down at around 8:30pm and she slept until 3:00am. She ate, was back into bed by 3:20am and didn't wake again until 7:00am. I feel so blessed! I know that things can change quickly but I'm definitely getting a lot more rest than I thought I would and am taking full advantage of it while I can.
I've felt especially blessed by Callie's easy-going & sweet nature because the last few weeks have been quite rough for me. Nursing was a challenge right from the beginning and after finally getting her to latch without the help of a "shield" (at around the 3 week mark), the pain of it quickly became UNBEARABLE. I knew that something was wrong and soon discovered, with the help of my doctor & a nurse at the health unit, that I had a bad case of thrush. So, they gave me a prescription cream to apply and recommended that in order for me to heal a bit, I should pump for a weekend and just bottle feed her. So I did that and hated every minute of it. It was SO time-consuming because I had to sterilize everything, every single time I used it due to the thrush infection. Thankfully, she took a bottle like a champ!
But then, after finally getting her back to breastfeeding early that week, by Friday I had developed mastitis as well (on our anniversary of all things). Fortunately, I caught the mastitis early enough and they got me on antibiotics before I got too sick. On top of all of this, I re-tore a bit and have been waiting for that to heal up. My doctor doesn't think it needs to be re-stitched just yet and is hoping it will heal on its own. But I've now had an open wound for the last 3 weeks and am growing frustrated with the fact that its summer time, and I probably won't be able to swim at all, due to the risk of infection. Needless to say, its been a rough few weeks and I'm continuing to pray for healing and patience for it to happen. If you think of it, I'd totally appreciate your prayers too.
On a completely different subject, Jon and I are getting super excited for this weekend to arrive. We leave for holidays on Saturday and are going to be spending an entire week (Saturday to the following Saturday) at a lake up north. We haven't had a "true holiday" like this in a long time. Jon's Great-Aunt & Uncle own a cabin and are graciously letting us use it for the week. We're SO looking forward to having some time, just the 3 of us, and spending some time away from the hustle and bustle of life. Especially after the crazy month we've had. I'll be sure to post pictures of our little get-away when we get back.

Friday, August 07, 2009

4 years...

Today is our 4th anniversary. I'm unbelievably thankful for the years that God has given Jon and I together and can't imagine life with anyone else.  Its a pretty incredible gift to be married to your very best friend.

4 years ago today, we stood under a big white tent and shared our vows of commitment to each other.  We wrote our own vows and they mean as much to me today as they did back then...
"We've already been through a lot together, and I believe that God has been preparing us for this moment for our future. Jon, I love you so much and there is nothing more comforting and assuring than knowing I am going to be spending the rest of my life by your side. You are a gift from God and every time I look at you I fall in love all over again. You inspire me with your calm spirit and genuine care for others. Just being with you makes me a better me. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you in both word and action the deep love and respect I have for you. You are my best friend and I promise to encourage you in the hard times, laugh with you in the good times, and trust God with you in the times when we are simply unsure. And when life feels like too much, I pray that we will find solace and comfort in the simplicity of each other's embrace. Jon, I promise to be faithful to you and you alone, and may my actions be a testimony to the unending love I have for you. I believe that two are better than one and I pray that we will grow together in one heart and mind. I am so thankful for you and the man that God has made you to be. I vow to treat each morning as a new day to love you, the gift I have been given. This is my promise to you."
"We've already been through a lot together, and I believe that God has been preparing us for this moment for our future. Bonnie, you are so incredibly gorgeous and talented, your humorous personality, your fun laugh and your bright smile draw people to you like I have never seen before. A look from your soft brown eyes can melt my heart to nothing. I find contentment in looking at your beauty. You encourage me, comfort me, make me laugh and affirm me at all the right times. There is no other person I would rather have as a companion. Today I vow to you that I will always love you. I vow that my love will not stop at an emotion, but will extend into the covenant that I make with you today. I will show my love in my attitude, my actions, my heart, and in my character. I promise to follow Phillipians 2:3-4 and to put your needs ahead of mine. I promise to lead with a Christ-like attitude and I promise to not allow unimportant details to overtake the importance of our relationship. I will love you by encouraging you, making quality time for you and by giving you those timely hugs. I vow to treat each morning as a new day to love you, the gift I have been given. This is my promise to you."
Happy Anniversary honey.  I love you.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Oh my...

We finally got some cooler weather yesterday, so I decided to take Callie for a nice long walk in order to get her to sleep for her last afternoon nap. I took these pictures just before we left and personally think that she looks ridiculously cute! :) Her expression is priceless and the ears just make the picure...